Who We Are?
Society for Empowerment of Vulnerable Children, Youths and Women Initative(SEVCYWOI) was formally registered with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) on 11th January,2019 with registration NO.CAC/IT/NO 123456 as a non-governmental organization with set down objectives, mission and vision herein enumerated. Prior to its registration in line with laws of the Federation of Nigeria, SEVCYWOI as a vision born out of passion for helping the vulnerable children, youth, women and less privileged has been functioning as an out-reach group providing basic needs and knowledge to the targeted audience. However, the organization has been continuously expanding in terms of targeted people, programs for social works, enlightenment campaigns, social interventions through training and field actions.
SEVCYWOI in furtherance of its objectives was subsequently registered and established link with Ministry of Women Affairs, Government of Delta State of Nigeria in the year 2021, Ministry of Budget and National Planning, International Co-operation Department, Bilateral Economic Co-operation Division Abuja, Nigeria.SEVCYWOI as a non-governmental organization is equally registered with Special Control Unit against Money Laundering (SCUML) in line with section 5(1)a and 4 of the Money Laundering (PROHIBITION) ACT and certificate of registration issuedon 15th March 2021.
Since the conception and registration ofSociety for Empowerment of Vulnerable Children, Youth and Women Initiative, SEVCYWOI has been playing vital roles in curbing social vices such as robbery, prostitution, child trafficking, illegal migration, drug abuse child labour, spread of HIV (AIDS) etcetera through impartation of knowledge and empowerment.
The focus of the organization is to build stronger communities, neighborhood and economies by empowering the vulnerable children, youths and women with requisite skills and knowledge thereby making communities in Delta State, Nigeria andthe World at large a better place.
To actively contribute to the economic development of Delta State, Nigeria and the world at large by providing better opportunities/forum for educating , equipping and empowering lager percentage of the children, youth and women who are vulnerable in the society.
- To educate and empower the children, youth and women who are less privileged in our society.
- To fight various social vices such as child abuse, human trafficking, exploitation, illegal migration and rape which are nowrampant in the society.
- To educate, train and provide shelter for orphans, abandoned and street children in society (inspired by AmmaDarko’s‘Faceless’).
- To give hope to the hopeless and give them positive direction to a better future.
- To create more awareness and help reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS and now Corona Virus.
- To educate the youth on the negative effects of drug abuse and prostitution.
Society for Empowerment of Vulnerable children, youth and women initiative encourages the following values to be practiced both at individual and organization level.
- Honesty, Transparency and accountability
- Creativity
- Gender Sensitivity
- Participation
- In the potential power of the vulnerable children, youth and women.
- Equal opportunity for all
- Total control of HIV, child trafficking illegal migration, drug abuse, criminality and other vices.
- SEVCYWOI has been engaging in outreach, campaign and programs. The organization’s methods are problem identification, enlightenment, mind-set re-engineering, and skill acquisition.